Progress in Orthodontics

Progress in Orthodontics

- Sebastiaan P. van Doornik, Marlotte B. M. Pijnenburg, Krista I. Janssen, Yijin Ren and Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman
External apical root resorption (EARR) is a frequently observed adverse event in patients undergoing fixed appliance therapy. Assessing the patients’ risk during treatment is important, as certain factors are ...
- Abdalrahman Mohieddin Kusaibati, Kinda Sultan, Mohammad Younis Hajeer and Nikolaos Gkantidis
To evaluate the accuracy of a semi-automatic 3D digital setup process in predicting the orthodontic treatment outcome achieved by labial fixed appliances.
- Keita Ishizuka, Chiho Kato, Akiyo Fujita, Eri Misawa-Omori and Takashi Ono
There are currently no studies that quantitatively compare the relationship of root resorption to the patient’s systemic history or craniofacial and intraoral morphology, especially in relation to possible hos...
- Željana Matošić, Luka Šimunović, Tomislav Jukić, Roko Granić and Senka Meštrović
Mutations in one or multiple genes can lead to hypodontia and its characteristic features. Numerous studies have shown a strong genetic influence on the occurrence of hypodontia, and identified several genes, ...
- Michael Bocklet, Farhad Ahmadi, Timothy Tremont, Loring Ross, Hai Yao and Ildeu Andrade Jr.
To analyze and compare the effects of a traditional laboratory-fabricated Hyrax expander (T-Hyrax) and two different 3D-printed Hyrax expander models relative to tension points, force distribution, and areas o...